Well Water & Septic Inspections

If you are looking to purchase a home you may discover the home does not have municipal water or sewer service. This means that the property has a well and a septic system. Unfortunately you cannot determine if these systems are operating properly simply by looking at them or running a little bit of water during the home shopping process.

For over 30 years Clean Water Testing, a water quality testing lab in Appleton, WI, has had a staff of fully licensed inspectors to evaluate both well and septic systems. During that time we have developed many specialized techniques that allow us to thoroughly evaluate each system. Here is a brief list of items that we exam as part of the inspection and what you can expect from us.

Well Inspections

(Cost is $325 for well and water inspection and $425 for Well, water and septic inspections)

  1. Collection of water samples for analysis in our state certified lab
    1. Coliform and e-coli bacteria, Nitrate, Arsenic
    2. Additional testing per the request of buyer or lender
  2. Inspection of well for visible code compliance
    1. Setback distances are met or exceeded
      1. Required separation distances listed in State Code
    2. Casing – height above grade, thickness, condition
    3. Well cap – Ensure proper seals, vents, screens, overflows, and gaskets are on the well head
  3. Ensure proper well and pump operation
    1. Quantity of water the well or well pump is able to produce
  4. Educate all parties on upkeep and proper maintenance of well system

Septic Inspections

(Cost is $295  for septic inspection and $425 for Well, water and septic inspections)39664 (1)

  1. Ensure proper operation of system – tanks, baffles, pumps, visible piping
    1. Dose testing of drain field (if present)
    2. Flow test to ensure no flow restrictions
  2. Inspection of system for sanitary hazards
    1. Surface discharge
    2. Waste backing up into house
  3. Inspection of inside of tanks with the use of a camera
    1. Baffles
    2. Concrete condition
    3. Dividing walls
  4. Wastewater tracking
    1. All wastewater is going to septic and not surface
    2. Dye testing performed if needed
  5. Educate all parties on upkeep and proper maintenance of septic system

Clean Water Testing does not perform repairs on the well or septic system. This means that we have no interest in flagging something to obtain additional repair work. We are truly independent inspectors with no agenda and nothing to gain other than your respect for doing a thorough and honest inspection. Simply click here to request your inspection.

Well & Septic FAQs